Design Process
For the concert of the internationally celebrated German band The Notwist at Neubad Luzern, I wanted to create a surprising typographic poster. The band name was just too tempting not to play with it. The band itself even says that they don't exactly know where the name comes from. I wanted to do something twisted, representing the opposite of No-Twist. Since all Neubad posters are consistently kept in black and white, I didn't have to think about color. It was even a challenge I set for myself not to use any shades of gray. That's why I quickly came up with the idea of doing something in the style of Op-Art. After noticing that other graphic designers often misuse the "Blend Tool" in Adobe Illustrator, I wanted to do it correctly. After some initial experiments with linear fonts, I realized it's much more exciting to work with handwritten letters. The twistiness could be represented much more beautifully that way. After adjusting the line thickness, I felt like there was too much white on the poster. Therefore, I decided to add a black and white lined background. To emphasize the letters again and give them a more three-dimensional feel, I added a shadow by hand.
For the animated version of the poster, I only had to generate a few single frames directly in Illustrator.
For the animated version of the poster, I only had to generate a few single frames directly in Illustrator.

2020: 100 best Posters 19 – Germany Austria Switzerland
2020: Grand Prize, Ecuador Poster Bienal
2020: Grand Prize, Ecuador Poster Bienal
2021: Silver Award, Motion Poster Category, Shenzhen International Poster Festival